Sunday, November 20, 2011

2010 israel memoirs

below is 13 videos to help us remember~
to be standing stones
to throw our stones
to get rid of our pigbones
that god is with us
to be living water
that god is our fortress
to give god our first fruits
to love our neighbor
that god has the power
to be good soil
to be the text
to give our lives away
to keep the story dirty
that god is GOD, not baal
to know who we are building for
that god can heal us
that jesus cries for us
that jesus is our oil press
that god provides
that god's spirit lives in us
that we can see in
to grow in wisdom & stature
to pray to find a rabbi
to get a community
to get our feet wet
that we can be like jesus
of the narrow path & the wide road
to confront the gates of hell
to meet jesus because he will change us
that we've got the shm'kah that we can...

miss & love you guys. HAZAK!